I think it was in 1972 that I conciously heard Jimi Hendrix for the first time. I was infatuated with a girl, very much so, and she digged Jimi Hendrix. So, I had to check it out. I was on a summerholiday at my grandfather and grandmother, and at one time we were in a convenient store. They had a rack with LP’s there, something called MFP, Music for Pleasure. You could find these racks in gas stations and in som record shops. Anyway, as I was looking thru the records, waiting for my grandfather to finish, I found a Kimi Hendrix record. As I much later learned, it was the German Karusell re-edition of Axis: Bold as love. It had the pink cover with the solarized photo, and German text. IMy grandfather gave me the record, and I went straight to my aunts house, because she had a record player. I was very surprised when I heard «Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to radio station EXP…» What was this, a comic record? And the feedback came afterwards, and seem to go on forever… When Up from the skies came on I really digged it.